Transitioning Your Business: From T&M to a Managed Service Model

Understand the Benefits of Managed Services.

Analyze Your Customers’ Needs and Preferences.

Invest in Training and Education for Current & Prospective Employees.

Identify the Right Solutions to Meet Customer Needs.

Create Clear Pricing Strategies & Plans That Fit Your Customers’ Budgets.

Step 1: Defined the Scope & Strategy :

I laid out a clear definition of the scope of work which involved building documents like Program Charter, Benefits Management, Scope Management Document, etc.. where the intentions were clearly laid out for the need to transition to an outsourcing provider taking into account how a service offering framework can be delivered using industry standard set of tools, processes, and support for seamless integration with various back-office systems. The associated risk management plan was defined that helped in shortlisting the right providers. A defined strategy & approach was defined on how to effectively restructure the organization involving people, process, structure and governance, this, in turn, helps in scanning the market to understand the potential vendor landscape

Step 2 : Service level agreement (SLA) :

SLAs were defined keeping in mind the business demands in Telecom as effective decisions must be led by hybrid data so as to deliver key insights with the robust functionality to improve visibility into core operations, internal processes, and market conditions. SLA’s where based on the Total cost of ownership (TCO) improvement in terms of Telcom services provided such as Analytics, the involvement of development metrics such as Planned vs actual, # of defects, productivity etc and maintenance  such as System availability, response time, resolution time, etc

Step 3: Source vendors :

I later followed a structured process for shortlisting vendor’s based on data research and criteria defined including vendor capability in Telecom domain/technology, service offering, resource skill capabilities, similar projects executed in the past etc., which resulted to a list of 3-4 shortlisted vendors which later we sought further information through an RFI and having one-one sessions. After this we prepared an RFP and circulated to the final list of vendors and later evaluated RFP based on criteria’s such as functional requirement, non-functional requirement, vendor capability, vendor commitment to SLA’s, price, etc. After this exercise, we selected the final vendor and negotiated the final terms and conditions of the contract.

Step 4: Transition :

We asked the final selected vendor to detail out a comprehensive transition plan which illustrates how each service offerings in our telecom domain would be transitioned to a managed service model in a phased manner. The key stakeholders and their role and ownership during the transition were defined.

Step 5: Delivery Governance :

A governance model was laid out to ensure effective stakeholder, communication, and change management so as to build a successful transition to a managed service model and also bring in automation using a solution-driven orchestration framework, businesses can scale up and scale down based on requirements and help business and IT work closely to understand and ensure their buy-in to the concept of the managed service model.

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