Learning Management System

Enhance your online learning experience with our feature-rich user-friendly LMS.

End-to-end e-learning solutions

Akratech is an expert LMS development company that builds custom learning management systems for small businesses as well as established enterprises.

Our team of developers works tirelessly to build a comprehensive eLearning system for your organization from the ground up. We always evaluate and develop the learning management system software we build based on our client’s goals and business requirements.

Leveraging our years of experience, we have built multiple educational solutions that support immersive learning. Our platform enables educational communities at large to enhance collaboration, research, and teaching. We help bring continuous e-learning experiences aimed towards nurturing talent, increased skill development, and more engaged learning among students.

Together, let us build a robust online training solution for your company, clients, students, and staff that will be delivered through simple, scalable, & high-performance learning management systems.

Akratech’s powerful solutions for e-learning

Welcome to our eLearning Management System (LMS), an innovative platform designed to revolutionize the way you learn and manage educational content. Our LMS provides a comprehensive suite of tools that support and enhance the educational experience for both learners and instructors. Whether you’re an educational institution, a corporation, or an individual seeking to expand your knowledge, our LMS caters to your needs with an intuitive, user-friendly interface and robust features.

Organizations, trainers, and students worldwide appreciate our online learning solutions because of their efficiency, features, scalability, and performance. Our cost-effective learning management systems for teachers, students, and organizations are designed while considering the needs of all its users.

Atlearn LMS - our powerful electronic learning management system software

Atlearn LMS is a robust e-learning solution designed to help schools, colleges, training institutes, and organizations establish a collaborative e-learning environment. The solution is powered with necessary features like Student Data Management, Messaging, Notification, Student Monitoring, Dynamic Dashboards, Reports, and Analytics.

Atlearn LMS is an efficient smart class management tool suitable for schools, colleges, and organizations alike. Some other key features include online whiteboards, assessments, certification, calendars, screen sharing, recording, and tools for collaboration.

Atlearn: Online classroom platform - A smart class management tool

Atlearn – Online Classroom is a user-friendly online classroom mobile app. It is an efficient e-learning app built for iOS & Android devices where users can set up and attend self-paced online sessions. Learners can attend the sessions using their tablets or smartphones.
Some of the most interesting and helpful features of our app include secure streaming, cross-format compatibility, notifications, updates, real-time messaging and collaboration, and live class features. It also has tools like polls, surveys, server-side recording, video conferencing, screen sharing, whiteboard, and live streaming.

Our platform enables educational communities at large to enhance collaboration, research, and teaching. We help bring continuous e-learning experiences aimed at nurturing talent, skill development, and learning among students.

  • Best Online training for school administrators and staff is now available on a feature-rich user-friendly LMS.
  • Trainers and students adore our learning management system and it has all the features you are looking for.
  • Our LMS is excellent for new purchasers as well. A cost-effective E-Learning platform designed to start small and expand in response to your demands.
Best E-Learning Portal using LMS

Interesting LMS features that encourage learner participation

Complete course management
Our LMS offers comprehensive course management features that allow instructors to easily create, organize, and manage their courses. With drag-and-drop functionality, templates, and multimedia support, instructors can design engaging and interactive courses that keep learners motivated and involved.
Student profile management
Each learner has a personalized profile where they can track their progress, view grades, set learning goals, and receive recommendations based on their performance. This personalized approach helps learners stay engaged by giving them a clear view of their achievements and areas for improvement.
Online whiteboard for explanations
The online whiteboard feature allows instructors to illustrate concepts in real time, making lessons more interactive and understandable. Learners can also participate, ask questions, and collaborate on the whiteboard, fostering a more engaging and dynamic learning environment.
Course calendars
Course calendars provide learners with a clear schedule of all course-related activities, including lectures, assignment deadlines, quizzes, and events. This feature helps learners manage their time effectively and ensures they stay on top of their coursework, promoting better participation and punctuality.
Tracking and reporting
Advanced tracking and reporting tools enable both learners and instructors to monitor progress and performance. Detailed analytics provide insights into learner engagement, completion rates, and areas that may need additional attention, allowing for timely interventions and support.
Tools for assessments
A variety of assessment tools, including quizzes, assignments, and peer reviews, keep learners engaged and provide immediate feedback on their performance. Gamified assessments, such as quizzes with leaderboards and badges, can also increase motivation and participation.
Multi-channel access
Our LMS is accessible across multiple devices and platforms, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This multi-channel access ensures that learners can participate in their courses anytime, anywhere, making learning more flexible and convenient.
Online virtual classroom
The online virtual classroom feature allows for live, synchronous learning sessions. Instructors can conduct real-time lectures, discussions, and Q&A sessions, while learners can interact directly with the instructor and their peers. This feature enhances the sense of community and real-time engagement.
Interactive dashboard
The interactive dashboard provides learners with a comprehensive view of their courses, assignments, grades, and progress in one place. It also includes notifications and reminders, helping learners stay informed and engaged with their learning activities. This centralized information hub makes it easier for learners to stay organized and motivated.
User-friendly interface
Our LMS boasts a clean, intuitive interface that makes navigation simple and efficient. Whether you’re a tech-savvy user or someone who prefers a straightforward approach, our platform is designed to be accessible for everyone.
Secure and scalable
Built with security in mind, our LMS ensures that all data is protected with the highest standards of encryption. Additionally, the platform is scalable, capable of accommodating the needs of small classes or large institutions.
Tailor the LMS to meet your specific needs with customizable themes, branding, and course structures. Our flexible platform allows you to create a unique learning environment that aligns with your organizational goals.
E-Learning E-Classroom in LMS

Intuitive dashboard management system

checkbox Course Creation

checkbox Student Management

checkbox SCORM Compliant Courses

checkbox Tracking Course Progress

checkbox Course activities

checkbox Assignments & Workshop

checkbox Online Quiz, Model Tests

checkbox Forums, Chat, etc.

checkbox Grade management

checkbox Online Teaching

E-Learning E-Classroom in LMS

Interactive e-classroom tools that encourage participation

checkbox Video Conferencing

checkbox Interactive live Whiteboard

checkbox Classroom screen sharing

checkbox Video record Sharing

checkbox Create Individual Poll & Survey

checkbox Public & Private Student Chat Window

Collaborate using our LMS Features
Collaborate using our LMS Features

Online classroom collaboration tools

checkbox Multi-threaded discussions, Chat

checkbox News & Announcements

checkbox Calendar Sharing

checkbox Online assessment – Tests, quizzes, problem sets

checkbox Test Results – Scores & Grades

checkbox Analysis – Graphs & Statistics

Collaborate using our LMS Features

Making Enterprises Stand Out With LMS Software and Mobile Applications that Matter.

Explore our cutting-edge LMS platform, designed for seamless online classrooms, efficient business meetings, comprehensive course management, and more. Unlock the full potential of your learning and collaboration needs.

Book a demo

    Content & Resources in LMS

    Powerful content management system

    checkbox Support for web research and work-groups

    checkbox Publish Articles, Whitepapers, and Blogs

    checkbox Manage all Resources related to STEM

    checkbox Academic Writing and Proofreading

    checkbox SEO-aligned Content Writing

    checkbox Journal Publications and Research

    Content & Resources

    Personalized learning pathways

    It can be difficult to manage many students and online courses in an LMS. To assist learners in grasping a particular topic or training program, personalized learning paths make the journey easier for both administrators and learners.

    We help learners assess themselves by appearing for online tests on the subject of their choice. They can make use of the large question bank we have to offer to help them cover all topic areas for the respective subject. They can also create quizzes for a specific student or group.


    Our online quiz helps learners enhance their knowledge and check their skill set on a particular subject. We also encourage students to participate in our interactive educational games which help to improve one’s IQ and increase student engagement. The skills assessment feature in our LMS Dashboard is aimed to encourage students to check and improve their performance and confidence in their respective subjects. Parents and teachers can create a personalized learning path using LMS assessment results

    Surveys to get to know your students

    We have developed an online survey for parents and students to understand and analyze the problems they face on a daily basis. This survey questionnaire feature in our LMS helps them find apt solutions to these identified problems. Students & parents can also share any positive event/idea that has recently influenced their lives. The questionnaire has been framed in such a way that both opportunities & threats can be addressed. We truly help to create an active online learning community.

    Support and Resources

    Our LMS is supported by a dedicated team of professionals ready to assist you. We offer:

    • 24/7 Customer Support: Reach out to our support team anytime for assistance.
    • Training and Tutorials: Access a wealth of resources, including tutorials, webinars, and documentation, to maximize your use of the LMS.
    • Community Forum: Join our community forum to connect with other users, share insights, and find solutions to common challenges.